Contact pecumu

Medium-sized corporate finance consultancy

Loca­ti­on & cont­act details

Frank­furt Office

Opern­platz 14
60313 Frank­furt am Main

Pho­ne: +49 69 153 29 4466

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Direc­tions & Par­king

The approach by car to Opern­platz 14 is pos­si­ble via Hoch­stra­ße. Par­king is available in the under­ground car park QPARK (exit Opern­platz).

If you arri­ve by public trans­port, you have the fol­lo­wing opti­ons:

  • From the main train sta­ti­on, take the S‑Bahn lines S1, S4, S5 and S9 each to the Tau­nus­an­la­ge stop.
  • From the air­port, any pos­si­ble con­nec­tion can be used to chan­ge trains at the main sta­ti­on.
  • Alter­na­tively, within Frank­furt, take the U6 or U7 to the Opern­platz stop.

From the respec­ti­ve stops it is 200m to 400m to Opern­platz 14.

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